Biostimulants | Physiological inducers

Biostimulation and potassium nutrition
Top-K® is a biostimulant with a high potassium content formulated with various organic molecules that improve its assimilation and greater efficiency in its use. Amino acids provide a metabolic activation effect, helping maintain a higher photosynthetic rate while releasing energy available to the crop.
Potassium of rapid assimilation with osmoprotective effect
The presence of osmoregulators favours a better water balance of the crop and higher tolerance to water stress. In addition, potassium is a mineral element that acts as a regulator of stomatal aperture. The presence of all these components creates a synergy that improves plant transpiration under critical conditionst.
It is an interesting product especially during the fattening and ripening stages of commercially usable plant organs, improving their quality, colouring, weight and Brix degree.
Top-K® can be applied both foliar and soil-applied via irrigation water.
- Foliar application: 200 – 400 g/hl.
- Root application: 4 – 6 kg/ha.

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¿Why should I use Top-K®?
- Top-K® increases photosynthetic capacity and efficiency, facilitating the transport of photoassimilates and enzyme formation.
- Its high concentration of potassium favors the activation of cellular respiration processes and the activation of sap flow through the phloem, strengthening the plant in the most unfavorable stress situations.
- We obtain fruits with better color, greater weight and higher ºBrix.