Plant Nutrition | Deficiency correctors

Logo Nutrijisa calcio-boro | JISA

Calcium solution complexed with boron


Nutrijisa® calcio-boro is a formulation in which complexed calcium and boron ethanolamine are combined to improve the absorption by the plant of both nutrients.

Calcium (Ca) stimulates the development of roots and leaves. It forms compounds in cell walls, it is an enzyme activator. Calcium deficiency causes malformation and fall of young fruits, necrosis on the edge of the leaves (lettuce), bitter pit in apple trees, apical rot in vegetables and cracking of fruits in general.


Nutrijisa® calcio-boro is recommended for all types of crops. It can be applied via foliar and root routes. It is used to prevent and correct deficiencies caused by calcium assimilation imbalances.

Dosage per application:

  • Foliar application: 200-300 cc/hl.
  • Root application: 5-7 l/ha.
Nutrijisa calcio-boro | Complexed deficiency correctors | JISA


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Why should I use Nutrijisa® calcio-boro?

  • Nutrijisa® calcio-boro is used to prevent and correct deficiencies caused by imbalances caused by poor assimilation of these two nutrients.
  • Its combined application of calcium and boron complements and favors the assimilation of each of them.
  • Because these deficiencies cause malformation and fall of young fruits, necrosis at the edge of the leaves (lettuce), bitter pit in apple tree, apical rots in horticultural and cracking of fruits in general.

More Plant Nutrition products | JISA Deficiency correctors

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