Plant Nutrition | Deficiency correctors

Logo Tarssan mix | JISA
Producto ecológico JISA

Mix of chelated microelements


Tarssan® mix is a solid blend of chelated micronutrients, prepared for the correction and prevention of multiple deficiencies.

Tarssan® mix prevents and corrects deficiency states. It can be applied to all types of crops (horticultural crops, strawberries, citrus fruits, fruit trees, ornamentals, vines, olive trees, etc.), and at any stage of the production cycle. Apply to soil dissolved in irrigation water. It is a very suitable product for hydroponic crops.


Due to its formulation with organic acids, its solubility and pH range are quickly assimilated by the plant, both through the foliar route and by fertigation.

Dosage per application:

  • Fertigation: 1 – 1.5 kg/ha.
  • Hydroponic cultivation: 4 – 5 g/hl.
Tarssan mix | Chelated deficiency correctors | JISA


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Why should I use Tarssan® mix?

  • Tarssan® mix due to its high solubility and the shape of the EDTA chelate, allow the plant a rapid assimilation and a total use of the product.
  • It is a product for application in all types of crops (horticultural, strawberry, citrus, fruit, ornamental, vine, olive, etc.) and in any state of the vegetative cycle.
  • It is incorporated into the dissolved soil in irrigation water. It is a very suitable product for hydroponic crops.
CAAE | Insumos UNE 142500

Through the International Control and Certification Organization CAAE, it has the Confirmation of Compatibility for the ‘Input utilizable for Organic Agriculture’. Product certified and compatible with integrated management and organic production programs.

More Plant Nutrition products | JISA Deficiency correctors

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