Plant Nutrition | Deficiency correctors

Logo Jisaquel Zn-14 | JISA

Specific chelated zinc corrector


Jisaquel® Zn-14 is a zinc EDTA chelate formulation in microgranule form, easily assimilated by plants, specially prepared to combat zinc (Zn) deficiencies.

Zinc (Zn) is part of the auxin-promoting amino acid tryptophan and catalyzes the formation of carbonic acid in chloroplasts and cytoplasm during the photosynthesis process. It is also essential to maintain the permeability of membranes.

The deficiency of this micronutrient causes a reduction in the size of the shoots and interveinal chlorosis in the plant.


Jisaquel® Zn-14 can be applied to all types of crops and can be applied both in foliar spraying and via soil through irrigation and in hydroponic crops.

Dosage per application:

  • Foliar application: 100-150 g/hl
  • Root application: 2-4 kg/ha
Jisaquel Zn-14 | Chelated deficiency correctors | JISA


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Why should I use Jisaquel® Zn-14?

  • Jisaquel® Zn-14, is specially prepared to correct zinc deficiencies.
  • Because this micronutrient essentially influences the growth and hormonal balance of the plant and, therefore, we must have its needs covered.
  • The deficiency of this micronutrient causes in the plant the reduction of the size of the shoots and interervial chlorosis, reducing the quality and production of the plant.

More Plant Nutrition products | JISA Deficiency correctors

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