The potassium-rich fertiliser TOP-K improves production, advances ripening and increases the sugar content of the fruits.

The production and quality of the harvests are the decisive factors that mark, to a great extent, the final benefit that the farmer obtains from his crops. In this context, vegetable nutrition is an investment that allows to obtain the maximum yield from crops, increasing the amount of kilos harvested and improving the final sale price if these are accompanied by size, color and sugar, especially in fruit crops whether vegetables or fruit.

Rich in potassium fertiliser Top K

Top K: Potassium-rich agricultural biostimulant with osmoprotector effect.

Since a few years now, within the catalog of agricultural biostimulants, Jiloca Industrial has made one of its star products available to the farmer: TOP-K, with a potassium content of 50% that with EDTA chelated agent and amino acids contribute to its rapid absorption by the plant.

This high concentration of potassium makes TOP-K a special product for fattening and maturation stages since it favors the activation of cellular respiration processes and the activation of the flow of sap by the phloem, strengthening the plant in the most unfavorable situations of stress and diseases. Definitely an increase in photosynthetic capacity and efficiency facilitating the transport of photoassimilates and the formation of enzymes that result in the improvement of the quality of the fruits, increasing their color, weight and brix degree.

Jiloca Industrial – JISA developed this agricultural bio-stimulant, with international, success to be applied by fertigation and foliar application on fruit crops, citrus trees, vegetable fruits (tomatoes for fresh consumption and industrial, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, strawberries, melons…), olive trees, avocados, bananas… and even in potatoes. It’s recommended to be used in all type of crops at the time of highest potassium requirement or when the absorption of this element is limited by weather conditions, by physical-chemical properties of the soil or irrigation water.

Rich in potassium fertiliser Top K

The application dose depends on the crop and the phenological stage in which it’s found, ranging from 200 to 400 gr/hl in foliar applications or in fertigation at a dose of 4 to 6 kg/ha. It’s recommended to make several applications during the crop coinciding, generally, with the moments of fattening and maturation.

Top k is a specific action nutritional product, within the special product range of JISA. This type of special products requires a correct application (dose, number of repetitions and time of application) to obtain the desired improvement in crop yields. The technical team of Jiloca Industrial – JISA works to transmit their knowledge and experience in the daily advice of the nutrition of the different crops, putting at their disposal the necessary information for its correct use.

Note that TOP-K can be applied in fertirrigation with Humilig leaving a large amount of potassium available, for the plant, in the soil, which will be associated in the soil with humic acids. Also, if we apply it with Fulvin 40-22/Furdos it will favor a faster absorption by the plant and in case of its application with Nutrijisa Mg it will favor the coloring of the fruits.

Rich in potassium fertiliser Top K

Did you know…? What we mean by osmoprotector effect

The extreme temperatures and humidity, as well as the lack of water and salinity are adverse environmental factors that cause a hydric stress in the plant, causing a negative impact on the growth of this and as a consequence a decrease in the productivity of the crop. In these adverse conditions of environmental stress, to maintain stable the intracellular conditions, many plants increase their osmotic potential through the accumulation of intracellular osmolytes. Glycine betaine, proline, mannitol, sugarsare substances with an osmoprotective effect that help the plant to balance its cellular water balance.

The application of Top K, with osmoprotective effect, promotes a rapid assimilation of potassium under conditions of extreme temperatures and humidity favorable to water stress, allowing transpiration and movement of nutrients through the sap, significantly increasing crop production.

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